If you are a community agency, we invite you to become a Pivotal Partner. You will be affiliated with other organizations who are like-minded to advance disability inclusion in the workplace. Our goal is to connect businesses and community agencies so they can build authentic relationships and work together to fill jobs and help people find great jobs.
Here's what you'll gain:
Unique opportunity to meet HR, DE&I and business leaders
Support in building stronger relationships with business
Connect with businesses who want to hire more people with disabilities
Gain visibility in the businesses community
Be viewed as a trusted and reliable talent sourcing resource for people with disabilities
Connect with other disability-employment focused agencies
Network to break down barriers to employment of people with disabilities
Annual Partnership Levels for Agencies Serving:
50 or fewer candidates (Tier 1) - $1,000
50-100 candidates (Tier 2) - $2,000
100+ candidates (Tier 3) - $4,000
Benefit details are shown in table below
What's Next
Step 1 - Review your options below and select the applicable Tier
Step 2 - Complete the online payment process at bottom of page